The painting process…

So thought it would be interesting to share some of the painting process and what is involved…I use a lot of color and usually start with some base and then layering over that:

For example here is a almost white golden “Riley”


This started as:

IMG_5238Here are some of the layers over time (additionally client opted for more of a gray background vs green)

Built in bench covers

We moved this summer and have awesome built in benches. But of course they were just plain white wood:

IMG_6151So off to the fabric store….we already used a peel and stick wallpaper on the accent wall (which was amazing from RoomMates), so wanted a green/blue theme overall.

9A9AC7DB-I thought the blue would be too much against the green leaves on the accent wall so went with the straight green/off white and the funky fabric for the back hall bench.

The foam insert I ended up getting at HobbyLobby since they had the best price and were closer than a JoAnn’s to us…had to measure and cut it though.

IMG_6468The blue board was ALSO a hobby lobby purchase that I painted the wood trim on!



My kiddo and I went to Avon, Colorado in September with the grandparents and they have the BEST little library there. Of course my kiddo found a book that featured a cat. A black cat like we have. A black cat named Meeow. Which then became his favorite book all trip and we had to hang onto it until the end AND check out the other 3 in the series. Which then lead to finding the on amazon. “Meeow and the Big Box” by Sebastien Braun

Which then in turn lead to making him his OWN Meeow.

Used: Felt for the eyes, nose and scarf with embroidery thread, soft black fabric from Michaels

Template: made a copy of Meeow from the book and then cut out the black from fabric

Attempts: 2!

First attempt I had put the eyes and nose on first then sewed his body BUT this black velvety fabric was NOT forgiving and the edges were fraying and there were holes once turned inside out….so into the trash that one went! Second time around I did just the black fabric cat, got him all stuffed overall THEN added the eyes and nose. (worked out much better)
